

LEMLAT was developed by CNR-ILC in the context of the research project Repertorio Lessicale Automatico Latino.

CNR patent n. 564244 – March 18th, 1992.

Authors: Andrea Bozzi (CNR-ILC), Giuseppe Cappelli (CNR-ILC), Nino Marinone (Università di Torino).

Programming language: Lisp

Tables from LEMLAT:

  • graph_vars
  • lemma_ending
  • lessario
  • tabsai
  • tabsf
  • tabsi
  • tabsm
  • tabspf


LEMLAT 2.0 reimplemented and extended LEMLAT. It was developed by CNR-ILC in the context of the 5FP-funded Cultural Heritage Language Technologies (CHLT:, IST-2001-32745, 2002-2004.

Authors: Andrea Bozzi (CNR-ILC), Marco Carlo Passarotti (CNR-ILC), Paolo Ruffolo (CNR-ILC).

Licence: as reported in the deliverables of the WP5, LEMLAT 2.0 is an open source project.

Programming language: C

See the deliverables of CHLT Workpackage 5 for details. In particular:

Tables from LEMLAT 2.0:

  • cod_le
  • cod_morf
  • eagles
  • forme_ecc
  • tab_le

LEMLAT 2.0 required the extension of some tables from LEMLAT, by adding and coding from scratch a number of new columns:

  • table “lessario”: columns “gen”, “codLE”, “notes”, pr_key”, “ts”
  • table “tabsf”: columns “c01”, “c02”, “c03”, “c04”, “c05”, “c06”, “c07”, “c08”, “c09”, “c10”, “ex”, “pr_key”, “ts”
  • table “tabsm”: columns “pm”, “c01”, “c02”, “c03”, “c04”, “c05”, “c06”, “c07”, “c08”, “c09”, “c10”, “ex”, “pr_key”, “ts”


The program LEMLAT 3.0 is a derivative work from LEMLAT 2.0, developed by CNR-ILC (computer science related issues) and UCSC-CIRCSE (linguistic processing related issues).

The design and development of LEMLAT 3.0 have been carried out under the scientific supervision of Marco Passarotti for CIRCSE and Federico Boschetti for CNR-ILC, as detailed in the “ILC-CIRCSE convention”.

Programming language: Java

Some contents of the columns “gen” and “codLE” in table “lessario” from LEMLAT 2.0 were modified by CIRCSE to fix errors.

Onomasticon in LEMLAT 3.0

The table “lessario” was extended by CIRCSE with (a) 26,415 new lines corresponding to the Onomasticon of the Forcellini dictionary. They can be retrieved by searching for the lines of the table “lessario” having code “O” in the column “src”; (b) (a) 85,255 new lines corresponding to the Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis by Du Cange. They can be retrieved by searching for the lines of the table “lessario” having code “D” in the column “src”.

Extending the lexical basis of LEMLAT 2.0 with Forcellini’s Onomasticon required also to add new contents in tables “tab_le” and “forme_ecc”.

The table “lemmario” was built by CIRCSE. It includes the list of lemmas (with morphological features) both from LEMLAT 2.0 and from the Onomasticon.

The table “lemmas_wfr” was built by CIRCSE. It includes the word formation relations between the lemmas of the lexical basis of LEMLAT 2.0.